Lisa and Mom and Dad Mangerchine, enjoying a game of Phase 10

Since there were no Christmas decorations in the timeshare (where we spent most of our week) we decided to bring over our unused decorations and make our own Christmas tree out of the given shrubbery

If you've been following our blog for any length of time then you should be familiar with my collection of photos of Dad taking naps throughout the day, here's another pic for my collection. Does anyone else actually sleep with pillows on top of them???

Mom making her delicious devilled eggs

Check out the bowling shoes and cuffed jeans, stylin!

My Mom's husband, Francisco, working on a puzzle after church Christmas Eve

Jeremy enjoying our delicious Christmas Eve evening buffet of snack foods as we all hang out and play games

Dad and Lisa... don't you like her "got presents" shirt?

Francisco caught in the act of dancing to our Christmas music

Jeremy doodling all over his Yahtzee score sheet, you should see the way he fills up a whole piece of paper with doodles during class

This picture needs a little more explanation... it's our Mangerchine tradition that each year on Christmas Eve we all go to the dollar store and pick one present for each person (can be a gag gift or real useful gift), then we go back and exchange them. This has provided us with many laughs over the years and is one of my favorite Christmas traditions now. This Quince Anos (the Spanish version of a sweet sixteen, actually a sweet 15) was Mom's present from Lisa.

Jeremy's collection of police badge, gun and whistle from Lisa.

Here I am wearing the tiara and earrings that Lisa gave me. I am holding the baby that Jeremy gave me... As he knows that my heart so desires children, but we have chosen to wait for a while before having them my man gave me a baby for Christmas, it was hilarious! I quickly named it baby Whose-a-what, we decided that it's a she and my motherly instincts started kicking in as I admired my little prize possession. Since then we've been playing around with little Whose-a-what and joking about who needs to change her diaper or give her a bath. Don't be surprised if you see her pop up in random family pictures from time to time.

Admiring my little bundle of joy

Me opening gifts on Christmas Day, of course with baby Whose-a-what in tow

Mom opening her slow cooker

My stack of sewing and cookbooks that I received

Jeremy's Christmas gag vest... maybe this would be a good candidate for our tacky Christmas card outfits for next year

Dad reading us the story of Jesus' birth from the Gospels

Lisa wearing a new visor and tshirt

And another Mangerchine man down, that triptophan is powerful stuff
What did you do for Christmas?