FOR TODAY July 21st, 2008...
Outside My Window... Trees basking in the hot afternoon sun.
I am thinking... About the wonderful weekend Jeremy and I had. The possibility that our nephew Blake could be born this week. About Jeremy’s deal closing this Friday. My new boss starting next Monday and the preparations that I have underway to make things easier for her.
I am thankful for... A refreshing weekend where I was connected with and on the same page as my husband. My mom taking us out to dinner for Indian food on Saturday (and that Jeremy enjoyed the Indian food). Enjoying our favorite dinner of Asian Coleslaw and Lettuce Wraps last night with a dessert of fresh cherries. The Lord’s provision of all of this, and His gift of the cross.
From the kitchen... Turkey burgers and pineapple grilled on the George Foreman with BBQ sauce, carrots and ranch dip.
I am wearing... Navy Ann Taylor slacks with four buttons on my left hip. Pale pink polo shirt layered under a white cable knit sweater. White open toed sandals… still in work clothes, soon to be work-out clothes.
I am creating... Note cards with fall colors. Our dining room table is STILL buried under assorted colored papers, stamps, paper cutters, glues and other craft supplies.
I am going... No where, enjoying a nice evening at home of exercise, dinner, reading and some conversation with my hubby.
I am reading... Daniel from the Bible for church, and A New Kind of Christian.
I am hoping... To have a relaxed week with lots of time to talk and connect with my hubby. We only have a few weeks left before we start the Your Next Step Institute (click here to see the brochure) and will have homework, an early morning class each week (5 am), and a late night class each week. I want to savor the remaining free time that we have with each other before the semester starts and our schedule gets more hectic.
I am hearing... Radio commercials.
Around the house... All the laundry that was done this weekend, but hasn’t been put away yet, and yes, still lots of craft supplies.
One of my favorite things... Jeremy is supposed to make me his signature Mangerchine Meatball recipe this weekend!! Yum yum!
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: Absolutely nothing outside the normal Friday night church, Saturday morning coffee with the girls, and hopefully some walks with my honey at the beach!
Here is a picture I am sharing...
(Okay, I couldn't share one without the other. Guess what day this was..)
